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The Way You See It

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

The environment YOU fashion out of
...your THOUGHTS...your BELIEFS
...your IDEALS... your PHILOSOPHY the only climate you will ever live in.
Alfred A. Montapert

Here is the truth: I didn't do it. I wasn't even there for the most part. I have to thank (and I must be careful with my verbiage--I'll explain in a moment) someone that has been a rubber band that I've had around my wrist for the last five or so years. SunKingpoet has been the little brother in my life. He's the annoying, obnoxious, little runt that kept picking on me that, when not around, you kind of miss. Besides the link of his blog, he also has a forum for writers called First Light Forums.

I have to say that Bub (I have to call him that because if I get to calling what a great person he is, his head won't be able to get through a door--and this is the only time you may see this in print--and he deserves every accolade) has made Evolution of gina as you see it. I am ever grateful for giving the look that it. I am equally grateful for his input over the years. It is because of him that started writing again. I have to thank another person whose writing that he shared with me and later on written to me that sparked me into writing.

I’m getting ahead of myself. I'll have to tell you about I AM H. I. M., Mr. Dredlox himself, another day.

So, besides my words, I wanted to let you know a couple of things about the way you see things here. There are some special characteristics that I had no idea I'd be able to show to so many people until Bub made them so.

First the background. I was driving home from another town one day (I have another blog which may elaborate my surroundings) when I decided to pull over and take this picture. It is unretouched and I used the camera to make the clouds appear as they do.

Secondly, the pictures behind the name. The first one is the only pic that I have of my mother and my father together. Not sure why that is, but aren't they a number? The second picture is of a rose that I took a picture of. The third is a pic of me that I took earlier this year (2006--for posterity purposes) with one of my better hair days.

Again, thank you, Bub, for making the baby (the site, as you can see, I just started blogging a couple of days ago) as beautiful as it is now. I appreciate it from the bottom of my heart.


posted by Evolution of gina at 5/24/2006 07:13:00 AM | Permalink |

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Comments for The Way You See It
The bottom of your heart? Geez.... couldn't you have gone a littler deeper than that?


G., you and I have been friends a long time. I know you've just started bloging and the site is just getting going, but I think it's going to be a fine place to come in and read a bit.

As to the logo, I've saved that particular file so you can change any pictures you wish. It's pretty interactive. Pics can change... colors can change. I was actually thinking that you should get a baby pic of you, a pic in your early childhood, and a pic of you now to go along with the whole "Evolution" theme.

In the end, it's your site, and your own little slice of cyberspace. I think you'll make it comfortable and worth the visit.