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What Cha Doin'?

Thursday, December 21, 2006
"Not everything that can be counted counts, and not everything that counts can be counted." - Albert Einstein

I'm a wild and crazy person. You know that. I know you know that, you know that I know that and so on and so forth. I'm so wild that I've set my clock at 5:30 just to wake up and turn it off. I do nothing afterwards, mind you, but I made the effort. This morning it took me only seven minutes to flick the switch on sucker.

I've got man stuff that I'm going through. Safe to say that I need to protect the guilty, so I will be ambiguous. There's this guy that has become a good friend to me. I'd like more, but at the same time, phooey on him. There's another guy that's become a good friend to me, but I've been told that I'm interested in more because of what I don't say apparently. I guess I'm supposed to be acting differently around him than when I'm around other people. I don't see it, so phooey on him, too. There's another guy (I'm talking like I have huge man problems, like they are swarming over me like chestnuts to an open fire--are chestnuts good?) who has been a good friend to me that I could not have anything to do with because either out of fear or because I've smelled some interesting scents from him. Phooey on him.

Besides, none of them spell well. I'm not sure if any of them can correctly spell my real name. I digress. But not before I say that spelling my name is a plus.

So last night, while I was working at my computer, I did a couple of things. One thing that I did was put an ad in an online thingie. I wrote that putting down the toilet seat and the lid is a plus, among other things.

(Has anyone realized that I'm blathering? Have you? You know you are probably the only one that's reading this, right?)

Okay, actually, I'm procrastinating. I'm on Christmas break and what do I have before me? My Spanish book, my Spanish workbook, some index cards, a red Sharpie, a pencil, my notebook, and highlighters. I am working on my Spanish for next semester. I'm going over previous homework and writing flashcards for the next class. (Shhhhh.... promise not to tell? I'm nodding off and I'm trying to keep awake by typing. Besides, I need to have some kind of original thought in here, right?)

I've got some other stuff to do. It's cloudy outside, but it's in the 60's or 70's here. If you are in snow, would you make me a snow angel and send me a pic of it. The only angels I could make here would be of dried leaves.


posted by Evolution of gina at 12/21/2006 11:50:00 AM | Permalink |

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Comments for What Cha Doin'?
Calling over to wish you a wonderful Christmas, best wishes, The Artist