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English Wasn't America's Language?

Thursday, May 25, 2006
Humility is the solid foundation of all the virtues.

Well this may be one of only a handful of blogs that doesn't talk about that singing contest. You can thank me in comments.

Until May 18, 2006, English had not been established as the official national language. What’s the big freaking deal anyway?

Frankly, I’m thinking this was just a faux pas. Nobody thought to make English the language of choice. I did a smidgen of research and found that the purpose of doing this is not necessarily related to stopping people from Mexico to become American illegal aliens. This legal gesture is to confirm that all government documents are written in English.

Oh, yeah. I know it sounds like a flaky excuse. That’s what I read though, and I’m going to go with it. I mean what else is there to do? English is supposed to be the language of most of us. A few American territories two states have more than one official language. I’ll give you a moment to figure out what they could possibly be.

In the 2000 census, Hispanics and Oriental people are the two largest minorities who have their own languages. These two minorities make up about 17%. On the other side of the coin, the United States is the fifth largest Spanish-speaking country. Interesting, huh?

Making English the official national language is like putting a sign on a prostitute. She’s standing on the corner, dressed up in a provocative manner, cars are pulling up to talk to her for a few minutes, she gets in, in a few minutes later she gets back on the corner for the whole thing to happen again. The signs that she is a prostitute are clear. Putting a sign on her just adds the stamp of confirmation.

So, it’s no big deal. This gesture of the government will change nothing. Dare I say that we should be more open to learning and teaching other languages. We are the melting pot. We should be taught other cultures and other languages. No need to worry about America’s language changing.

Those places that have bilingual official languages in the U.S.? Along with English, Guam also has Chamorro, American Samoa speaks Samoan, Puerto Rico speaks Spanish, Hawaii speaks Hawaiian, and Louisiana’s other language is French.

Ooh! I felt dendrites grow. How about you? Don't you feel a little edumacated? I does!

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posted by Evolution of gina at 5/25/2006 01:53:00 PM | Permalink |

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