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Lack Of It May Be the Root, But...

Monday, June 12, 2006
"No man can put a chain about the ankle of his fellow man without at last finding the other end fastened about his own neck."
---- Aristophanes

I wonder if there is anyone else out there that is under the dire circumstances I am? I haven’t worked since March 11, and though I’ve graduated from community college, I cannot find a job. My electricity will be cut off. My phone is already off, and I pretty much anticipate that, even if my lights were out, the internet and tv cable (which I don’t watch much in the summer) would be off Monday, the 19th.

I’ve made efforts to find a job, traveling to the other towns near me, and in my small town, but it hasn’t been productive. I feel like I’m running through mud. I really do.

I've lived through difficult times, living check to check. How do people thrive? How do people make so much money that they can go out of town on a whim? How does that work?


posted by Evolution of gina at 6/12/2006 07:45:00 AM | Permalink |

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Comments for Lack Of It May Be the Root, But...

Send me your RL addy TODAY!!!, and I'll send what I can. You're my sister, and I'm glad to help. Don't you DARE get all proud not send it to me TODAY. Hear? (that's my new southern thing)

I'm moving on Sat to a less expensive place, so I'm in a great position right now.

Did you ever stop to consider it may be time to swallow your pride and move on to St. Louis?

Nothing to do with pride. I'd love to live in a city. However, for a few good reasons, I'm staying in my home. Yeah, it sucks to be here, but I've had some serenity that I know I would find nowhere else.

When I get the chance, I'll elaborate. Promise.

I wish multiple choices would materialize easily and full blown into your head and life.

This, not so much.
That, much. or
That, much.

Thinking about you, Gina

...Thanks for the posts....I think...the "special" comment made me question my own identity. (J/k)

Did you find a job yet?
What was your major?

I was in the same position. I graduated from UMCP with a 14th Century Lit Degree and realized, no one really reads that stuff any more. So I waited tables and bartended then went into the mortgage industry...and here I am...still. I have a family and a house and pets that I have to take care of so I don't make a change into something I love. I think that is why so many people start out late doing what they love to do.

My husband and I make a nice amount of money but I couldn't tell you where it all goes. I guess Daycare mostly. I do loans for some people and my mouth drops to the floor seeing how much they make and can only dream....but then I think to myself..I have a ton of time with my family which is the most important to me. I would rather have than than sit in an office all day & night.

No job yet. Liberal Arts (associate's degree). I'm planning on majoring in English. I want to teach and write, so I'm trying to learn how. I've other things that I want to explore as well, but I want to get through my first semester of where ever I go.

I'll be talking about it more as time goes along. It is a part of my life, and isn't that what blogging is about on one level or another?

If you earn a degree in English, you might want to back it up with public relations, or journalism. There wasn't much out there for me when I graduated except teaching. In the state of Maryland you have to do 40 hour a week in student teaching which didn't leave me room for work. I was supporting myself through college so I didn't have a choice but to not go that route. I so want to be published as a poet, but I think I have to die does that suck.

I do want to teach, but I want to write. Thanks for the heads up; I'm still trying to decide what I want for a minor. Monetarily thinking about Math Education, Experientially I'm thinking Theater, and moreover, I'm thinking about a couple of other things. I think a lot about stuff I may not get into. I have a lot of researching to do, Ellie. Thanks for the input, though.

I'm thinking the same about my poetry. I'm going to force some of my poetry down someone's throat! Be ever optimistic!