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Thursday, June 08, 2006
"There comes a time in every man's life and I've had many of them…"
Casey Stengel

Wherever you are
you are there
and I am here
until I am there
and there is not there anymore
because there is now here.
There does not exist
where I am
because I am always here
and when I get there
I am here
and there disappears.
So you don’t miss something
until it’s gone,
but what is there to miss
if I were never there?

. . .

Everything is everything.
So nothing is nothing
and something is something.
Everything relies on something
to make that thing something
So that thing can be
a part of everything
except nothing.
Yet even nothing relies on something
to be nothing
and everything includes
a lot of somethings.
But is nothing included in everything?
Well, if nothing is nothing,
but nothing has to be something simply to be nothing,
Then nothing is a part of everything
and nothing is also the opposite of everything.
Though nothing is not a part of anything,
nothing is a part of everything!


posted by Evolution of gina at 6/08/2006 11:30:00 AM | Permalink |

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Comments for Antithesis
Great play on words. Sometimes had to think too hard, though.

Reminds me of the great Buckaroo Bonzai, who on at least one occasion entered the 5th dimension.

At a celebration party with his friends, he put down his lectric guitar, and spoke to his friends, in that wise Buckaroo manner:

"I want you all to remember, that no matter where you go, there you are."

I have a confession: I talk and think like that often. A friend of mine often called my trains of thought like that "L-isms." Suddenly, I'd find myself running through words to explain some opinion and after five minutes, and my finishing my statement, he'd give time a moment to start back up then say, "L-ism."

Glad you like this one. Thanks.

Am I seeing a new regular? Thanks for that if I am.

Voted for ya again...I always vote for Stik too...but I really like your blog!
I have 3 I have a poetry one should check it out on my profile!

Thank ya, ma'am!!!! I got your back, lady!