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If at First You Don't Succeed, Speak, Speak Again

Monday, November 27, 2006
If you cannot get people to listen to you any other way, tell them it's confidential."- Patrick Murray

Something's been crossing my mind over the last couple of days. The school campus had a focus on what is liberal and what is conservative. Between that and my having to write an ethics paper (I chose to write against Save Haven Laws), I began to believe that the difference between being liberal and being conservative also may lie on who we push off our opinions.

Yeah, yeah, I know. I really have to work on that. Don't beat me up about it. It's not about me.

You see, I've always been murky about what's conservative and what's liberal. I'm not a political head; I've always voted democratically not necessarily blindly, but always with the notion that deep down inside, I did not want to vote republican. That said, I considered the abortion laws.

Come on, y'all! You know I love you! Just hear me out before you groan and moan.


Maybe I shouldn't say this, but for those who wish to have abortion laws abolished, there is the argument that if a woman did not want the baby, but had to keep it because abortion became illegal, who would keep the unwanted baby? I can't keep it, can any of the right-to-lifers? I'm just wondering if those same people who are picketing could not use their time more wisely by promoting safe sex and abstinence or providing programs that would let well-qualified people (you know what I mean, gone through the rigamarole to adopt a kid) be able to let women bring children to term and take them instead of aborting them.

Is what I may believe strengthened when I can justify it or when others agree with me? Am I that much vehement about my opinion when I can impose my beliefs based on my life onto other people? Does that make me more liberal or more conservative? Does others accepting my opinion make me more liberal or conservative?

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posted by Evolution of gina at 11/27/2006 07:14:00 AM | Permalink |

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