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I Just Happened to Have a Few Minutes

Monday, June 04, 2007
"The secret of being miserable is to have leisure to bother about whether you are happy or not. The cure for it is occupation."- George Bernard Shaw

I've been having random thoughts cross my mind ...

The opposite of fear is knowledge.

Almost everything is not as bad as is imagined. This does not convince me that I should taste monkey brains or walk through the south side of Chicago with a diamond-encrusted dress.

At this moment, I cannot think any other garment would feel better than replaced than a bra.

The period of time in which one is eating jello can never be boring.

Does it matter if the voices in my head sound like me?

Chocolate, either.

If I happen to have a "calories burned" counter on while I'm exercising, and the number comes to 240, can I avoid putting back on those calories by not drinking a 20-oz bottle of pop/soda?

Is there anything more adorable than a guy with brown puppy-dog eyes?

My cheeks are so big that when I put my hands on my cheeks, I squish my lower eyelids upward, and I have to open my upper eyelids to look at stuff.

It doesn't happen when I put my hand on my temple. I guess I am too cheeky.

(You gotta promise to not tell anyone around here that I said this. Promise! Okay. Now I can tell you.) I am afraid to read anything by Eudora Welty because I think she is going to either piss me off or make me mad for not enjoying her. (You gotta promise because I'm sitting about five feet from a huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuge painting of her.)

(She might be looking, too.)

Saying, "I am well," may be grammatically correct, but it sounds bad. Saying, "I am good" seems a little like bragging and is grammatically incorrect. I am going to start answering that question like this: "You don't really want to know the answer to that question. I mean we say that all of the time to people we do know and don't care, and since you barely know me, I am going to refuse to answer on the grounds that it may incriminate me or something like that."

(I just caught a chill. I think I feel Eudora scowling.)

I think the theme for my senior comprehensive short list theme will be revenge.

I'm hoping that I will suddenly understand every word my Spanish professor says before the final exam.

Every Spanish word. I understand all of the English words, which is a real credit to him because it is not his first language.

Don't try to take a foreign language class in the summer unless you already know that level of it when you take it. Yeesh.
posted by Evolution of gina at 6/04/2007 10:13:00 AM | Permalink |

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Comments for I Just Happened to Have a Few Minutes
Very interesting thoughts today. That's funny about Eudora Welty...I did a paper on her once. But I don't remember anything that I read by her anymore. Perfect example of cramming for the test and spitting it out to never remember it again. LOL!

How did you get your calories burned to be 240??? It takes me forever to "earn" a bottle of soda. LOL Drink'll feel better and have no calories.

I think you should never take any class during the summer unless you already know it. I don't know how many summer classes I took that were a waste cuz I had to retake them during a normal sememster. LOL! I wasted a ton of money on an education that I'm not using...cuz I didn't need any of it to blog.

Yeah, I'm being biased against one of the "greatest writers in the world" if you let some people around here tell you.

I'm on this blood pressure experiment thingie where we have to ride a stationary bike for 45 minutes and keep our heart rate at a certain pace. On an average, I've been getting about 240 recently.

I'm beginning to figure that one out. I'm dreading having so much Spanish homework. I'll get overwhelmed and either not do it or fake some of it. Oh well. I'm going to do some right now.