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A word from the Desert Madman

Wednesday, June 21, 2006
A guest post by the SunKingpoet from Across the Sands.

I have a secret… one I’m not sure I’m entirely comfortable sharing with you.

Normally, I’d keep this secret to myself, or I’d have saved it for one of my Friday Confession blog posts, but today, I’m feeling the need to get this thing off my chest. So if you’ll bear with me, here goes.

I met the woman you all know as Gina in --- of all places --- an internet chat room (Jesus). From the start we hit it off (or at least I let her think we were hitting it off… truth is, she’s kind of annoying). We shared a similar love for the written word and we began to exchange thoughts and ideas (I did most of the exchanging… she just took, took, took… she’s pretty selfish like that). She became a valued friend (so she believes) and trusted editor (damn, she really won’t get off my back about that book), and we’ve remained in contact for the past six or so years (she’s getting wrinkly in her old age).

She really is a dear friend (whatever) and I consider her something akin to a sister (considering I barely even speak to my sisters… that’s fair) (and a much, much, much older less wiser sister)(aren’t these parenthetical addins getting a bit tedious?)(I know… I know)(continuing). I don’t have too many people I’m close to (I’m allergic to people), yet I’m sure that Gina and I will be friends for the rest of our lives (if she keeps messing with me, that’s going to be a relatively short campaign). I was there for her (even if it didn't seem that way) when her mother passed (she’s still not completely done dealing with that pain) and she was there during a rather trying time in my life (Jordan really is a blessing). We’ve held each other’s hands as we’ve walked through the trials of life (sometimes in spirit is just as solid as flesh) and she knows that if she ever needs a nonjudgmental ear to listen to her problems, then she has it (as long as she doesn’t start yammering on about her pants not fitting or her tits sagging). Seriously, I love Gina beyond her comprehension (like a good old fashioned root canal), and I’ll never be able to repay her kindness, friendship, compassion, devotion, and … uh… all that other shit (just don't tell her I said anything nice about her... I've got a reputation to uphold).

One love.
posted by Evolution of gina at 6/21/2006 02:06:00 PM | Permalink |

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Comments for A word from the Desert Madman
So sweet.

So, so sweet.

The softer side of Skippy. (wipes tear from eye)

Shut up.

Beautiful. Everyone should be so fortunate. Chatroom? What chatroom?

"I have a secret… one I’m not sure I’m entirely comfortable sharing with you.

Normally, I’d keep this secret to myself, or I’d have saved it for one of my Friday Confession blog posts, but today, I’m feeling the need to get this thing off my chest. So if you’ll bear with me, here goes.

I met the woman you all know as Gina in --- of all places --- an Internet chat room. From the start we hit it off. We shared a similar love for the written word and we began to exchange thoughts and. She became a valued friend and trusted editor, and we’ve remained in contact for the past six or so.

She really is a dear and I consider her something akin to a sister. I don’t have too many people I’m close to, yet I’m sure that Gina and I will be friends for the rest of our lives. I was there for her when her mother passed and she was there during a rather trying time in my life. We’ve held each other’s hands as we’ve walked through the trials of life and she knows that if she ever needs a nonjudgmental ear to listen to her problems, then she has it. Seriously, I love Gina beyond her comprehension, and I’ll never be able to repay her kindness, friendship, compassion, devotion, and … uh… all that other shit.

One love."

(without these)

Not the one you are thinking of. A chatroom that had a common link between us.

I'd tell you how I feel about him, but this thread is disgusting enough as it is.

It was so good to see you. I am proud of you for writing. You are special and are as beautiful as I knew you would be from our conversations in the past. Keep being true to yourself!
