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Oh My Goodness, I Had a Dream!

Saturday, March 10, 2007
"If all men knew what others say of them, there would not be four friends in the world." - Blaise Pascal

I had a dream this afternoon. I must be stressed out as I don't know what. I pray that this was not a "this is going to happen to you in your future" dream. As bad as it was, I hope it was a stress dream.

Okay, you know how you take a nap while something is on television? I fell asleep to a radio program. A medical radio program. Egad. I will not do THAT again.

It started off with my living in a small house that was a shack. I lived in only a part of that house because of how my nature is: deal instead of change. It was a rental and apparently the landlord felt that, since I was living in only one part of the house, he or she could put in another family. Maybe because I did something to them, maybe because the landlord can get more money, who knows. My ex-roommate was a part of my dream. (SCREAMING! SCREAMING I TELL YOU! THAT BOBBLE-HEADED, DENSE HEFFA! SCREAMING!!!!) She represented the woman who was on the radio program that had a problem with her nerves or something. Of course, I did not believe my ex-roommate.

I was very tense. I did not feel comfortable with these people--I think they represented my ex-roommate's family. Slowly, each one of them turned against me. One of the little girls in the family wanted to comb my (and I don't know how this happened) luxuriously long hair. She was combing and stopping for a long time. I didn't understand why until I felt the need to touch my hair. Almost all of the side was gone. I got defensive, and I think I had a notion to kill that child. We fought (all of the sudden, she had incredible strength) for the scissors. I eventually took them out of my hand, and that's when the family, about five of them, started to circle around me. I thrashed the scissors this way and that, defending myself and giving them the thought that I would stab them.

Eventually, I did the coolest thing. At the door jamb, I looked at each one of them, and Gina the Warrior Princess, threw the scissors into a wall, stabbing them into it. My dream--uhmm, nightmare--faded away after that, and I woke up.

Thank goodness!


posted by Evolution of gina at 3/10/2007 04:05:00 PM | Permalink |

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Comments for Oh My Goodness, I Had a Dream!
Dreams are so weird. I used to have all these feeling trapped and trying to get away dreams. I'm so glad those stopped...that or I don't remember them anymore.

So when should I pack my bags for vegas? ;)

I call those "stress dreams." I had an unforgettable one that either makes me want to lose weight or gave me a fear of obscenely obese country men wearing overalls. This man was trying to chase me. He'd saunter with all of his weight towards me. No matter how I ran, no matter where I hid, I'd feel the ground buckle with each step he took. I finally woke up before he got me when I was in a place I could not run.

I found that I can control those suckers when I find I'm in them. In one dream, I was a part of this X-Men-like team. We kicked a whole lot of you-know-what. I empowered myself.

I've got another post. I had another dream last night.

Women of our stature don't pack bags, we buy everything we need when we get there! At least, that's what I heard... The plane's on the way, and the check's in the mail, renee!