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Ten Things This Tuesday

Tuesday, June 19, 2007
"Above all be true to yourself, and if you can not put your heart in it, take yourself out of it." - Hardy D. Jackson

I've been thinking and no, there is no smoke!

Ten more thoughts that have gone through my head recently:
1. I am worth the hard work it will take to accomplish my goals.
2. No matter how hard you try, you will still have some corn kernels in your--uhmm--output.
3. A person has to have a certain talent for learning a new language.
4. Yup, Spanish is kicking my--uhmmm--output seat.
5. Ick.
6. I called my father on Father's Day. He loves me.
7. His utensil drawer is short a couple of spoons, but he loves me.
8. Money, and the lack thereof, is not the root of all evil.
9. Just most of them.
10. I did some exercising today. Twice. I'm going to try again tomorrow.
posted by Evolution of gina at 6/19/2007 10:23:00 PM | Permalink |

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Comments for Ten Things This Tuesday
Hey busy lady! How's it going? Learning a language at an older age is hard stuff. If you can end up being able to ask more than "where's the bathroom?" I think you're doing good. ;)

Glad your dad loves you. I think that if I ever called my dad, he might just fall over from a heart attack...he might do that w/o my call too. Not so good in the heart area for my dad's family...but the ones who don't get that live a long time. Weird.
Dad's twin had a stroke & his older brother died of a heart attack. Oh well.

Yay you for exercising. We were doing a family walk thing, but that puttered out quickly. I should try for it again, but maybe after we get back from Michigan.

Nah. I also need to know how to ask "Do you have toilet tissue?" and I don't know that one!

I call him to make him feel guilty in a way, Renee. I call him to let him know that I'm down here by myself and I'm struggling. Even as I tell him that I'm doing okay after he asks me how I am doing, he knows better. I'm sticking it to the man. ;D

Yeah, the elliptical machine is my new friend. I am going to go to that gym in a few minutes. Imagine paying $100 for a semester. Wait. Geez! That's expensive for fall! Fall semester's only 3 1/2 months and Spring semester's 4 1/2! I'm going to save the money to get one though. Along with everything else I'm going to save money for. I may make that my next TTTT.

Wow Girl! That is some profound thinking you did!

Sorry for the absence. Life has been crazy!