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He Scared Me

Thursday, July 19, 2007
"The most wasted day of all is that on which we have not laughed." - Sebastien Roch Nicholas Chamfort

There was a reason why I didn't start off this morning like I usually do. At the time I would have been at work, my father called me. In essence, the conversation started as usual: he asked me how I was doing, I told him I was okay, I asked how he was doing. The conversation changed dramatically when he said, "I'm doing terribly." He told me things in that conversation that scared the crap out of me. What's bad is that he has prepared me all of my life to not be able to support him in a moment like this.

All I could do was tell him that I love him. I couldn't even get mad at him when he asked me, "When you graduate, will you be able to get a job?" Truth is with an English degree, maybe and maybe not; it does depend on what I do afterwards and if i can squeeze in the classes to get my minor in Education or go abroad and teach English. I know I should be able to get a good gig with a Master's, but it's going to cost either way.

I have a year and have no idea what I'm going to do during or after that year. I know that when I walk off this campus, I will have to pay back the school $7,000. Either way, I'm going to get a job!

Yup, I would turn the post about this sad conversation with my dad to about me. It's my blog, dad gum it! I can do that!


posted by Evolution of gina at 7/19/2007 09:07:00 PM | Permalink |

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Comments for He Scared Me
We're not suposed to support our parents. And it wasn't fair for your dad to call and ask when you're gonna get a job.

Yeah, especially since not only have I not asked him to help pay with tuition, but he won't help me pay my loans when I get out of school.

That said, he asked out of concern and I refuse to believe anything else. I'm trying to be in a place to see different points of his words; what he could mean instead of how I take what he says. I've been through enough anguish of what he's said.