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Is It Just Me?

Monday, July 09, 2007
"Never go to bed mad. Stay up and fight." - Phyllis Diller

So this morning I had to come back to school. I only got a few hours sleep last night and woke up at 5:55 am (I saw the clock, dad gum it to Sam Hill and back). After some visits, I was a little tired, but knew I could handle staying awake for an hour and get to my dorm room bed for a nappypoo and get up for work--no problem.

I went to McDonald's and got a medium coffee and an egg-and-cheese biscuit. I didn't get halfway back before I had to force myself to pull over and nap. It was raining, it was cloudy--ick. Dad gum it! I want to go to get to school! I've got stuff to do! SCREAMING! Yet, here I am, on the highway with my seat on recline and waiting for my body says, "Okay! Time to go!"

Is it just me? It seems that almost every time I eat something, I lose energy. Sometimes, I just pass out and my body doesn't care where I do it! Anyone wanna tell me why that is?

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posted by Evolution of gina at 7/09/2007 09:05:00 PM | Permalink |

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Comments for Is It Just Me?
I don't loose energy from eating...but every month my hormones are kicking my butt and make me feel as if I'm going to just pass out. I don't know why but my body just won't rest. I know I should go see my doctor...but I hate doctors!

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This is the information I got from a friend who decided to not tell me this on my blog: feel sleepy after eating because a large pat of your blood supply is diverted to the stomach and intestines to soak up all those good things you just ate and are being broken down by your digestive system... thus depriving the VAST majority of the cells of your body with the extra oxygen they need for all the building processes that happen in each of those tiny factories....just leaving enough for your base metabolism to keep the cells ticking over... the end result is a feeling of torpor that makes you yawn and want to shut your eyes.

Just thought I'd let you know!