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I Can't Believe It...

Sunday, February 11, 2007
"Never raise your hand to your children -- it leaves your mid-section unprotected."- Robert Orben

I'm about to do something weird for this blog--tell you about my day.

You see, as I sit here at the computer, I'm supposed to be reading a lot of stuff. I'm saddened about not reading because it's a tick on the pro side of the sheet of why I'm habitually having bouts of depression.

I woke up this morning knowing what I wanted to do. Here is the list:
read half of my assignment for Tuesday's class
read some poetry for British Literature

I did exercise, but I did other stuff. It started off with waking up four times this morning before forcing myself out of bed at noon. I straightened up my room, showered, and went to lunch. A friend helped me with my car and I wanted to go to Border's Bookstore to read and be filled with joy for knowing that Border's exist. I got there; their cafe was closed and it was rather busy. I saw a store and tried on some clothes, discovered how much I despise my body and trying on new clothes and left. By the time I got back, it was almost 6pm. I ate and came back to my room instead of going to the library. It's after 11pm now and I am just getting the assignment for Brit Lit to read.

I don't know why I am trying to fail myself. I keep doing stuff like this and realize that I keep pulling myself behind. Well, I'm going to stop procrastinating and do some of my reading right now. I'll let you know how that works out.

For my runners up (you see I have someone in the square), JCM´s blog, updates and etc... and L'undone wanted to sit in the square, also. I will try to talk about all three in more detail, but not before Tuesday.

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posted by Evolution of gina at 2/11/2007 11:32:00 PM | Permalink |

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