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Update from "I'm Going to Hide."

Friday, February 09, 2007
"I wear my wife's eyeglasses because she wants me to see things her way."- Jason Feinburg

So, I saw the young woman who insulted me today.

Let me back up. Did I tell you about the next morning? I didn't? Ooooohhh... let me tell YOU!!!

So, as some of you know (the millions of you that read my blog--yeesh), I live in a dorm cube with 8 other women. She is one of my cubemates. We occasionally meet each other in passing or in the bathroom. No big deal.

It so happens that she and her best friend were in the shower stalls (don't you freaky guys get any ideas--they each were alone in separate shower stalls!) when I went to the bathroom that morning. And did vengence have a grasp of my brain! I tell you! If you knew the dirty thoughts I had in my mind over those minutes, you would never think of me as kind and sweet again! (Let me just say that one of those dirty thoughts involved a camera and internet access--THAT'S ALL I'M SAYING!!)

After I flushed and washed my hands, I walked to within hearing shot of her and said, "Oooohh, if you knew the thoughts of revenge that I had rolling through my head right now..."

There was a moment of silence after I fulfilled her request of repeating myself. She then said, "Are you really bothered about that?"

"No. I just know that every joke has a tinge of truth." I left the bathroom. I felt the satisfaction curl the edges of my lips as I walked away.

Now! Back to today! Let me say that is rainy and cold here (yes, it does get cold in Mississippi and I'm not just saying that). Here is the dialogue. She spoke first.
"Hey, mawma." (it used to burn me inside, but I've gotten over it.)
"Hey, Bipsy." (Not her real name, but it's just something about calling someone a "Bipsy..." When you find the perfect situation for it, you will understand. Promise.)
"You take your arthritis medicine this morning?" (Another thing that I've gotten used to, she says this in kind.)
"I don't need it. Can't you smell the metholatum?" (We both chuckle.)
As we walk away from each other, she says, "You be careful out there," with sincerity.
I don't buy it. "Don't worry, I'm not at hip-breaking age yet."
"No, I mean it. It's wet out there and I don't want you to get into an accident or anything."She says more I-care-about-you stuff.
I buy that. "Well, thank you, Bipsy. I appreciate that."
"Besides, I don't want you to twist your ankle, old woman."
I laughed.

So, we are back on good terms.

Not that I've forgotten, mind you.

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posted by Evolution of gina at 2/09/2007 05:00:00 PM | Permalink |

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