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I'm Going to Stop with the Peanut-Butter Spoons before Bedtime.

Sunday, March 11, 2007
"Never trust a computer you can't throw out a window." - Steve Wozniak

Good Grief, Charlie Brown! I gotta stop using that stuff that I've been using to go to sleep!

I dreamed I was in France. That was a nightmare as it was seeing though the French language is one of the worst romance languages in the world to me. I'm taking Spanish for a reason.

I digress.

I was on a trip with a bunch of other people (I'm hoping that this means that I will eventually get to go to Costa Rica to practice my Spanish SOON!) and a couple of friends and I decided to go sight-seeing. Now the part that was very vivid to me was that this very smart woman and I went somewhere. A French woman walked by. A stranger literally tripped her. She fell down some steps of what looked like a subway and ended on a landing. The classmate (who shall now be named Mary) went to her, helped her up, and the French woman looked at her and spat at her or something. Then she rubbed the place where Mary touched her, spat at it, and tried to rub it off. Then she said something in French. I didn't understand it, but all of the sudden I saw English subtitles! That French heifer was prejudiced and called Mary some very ugly names because Mary was Black! The heifer went on her way, but before she got too far, I grabbed her arm, dragged her around from behind this half-wall back to the stairs and threw her down even further! Mary and I looked at each other and I told her, "Run!" We peeled off in separate directions. I was lost, but I also disappeared from any authorities. Suddenly a suspicious-looking man appeared to be following me. I ran and screamed, "Help me! I am an American!" repeatedly. I ended up in some kind of Chinatown area (of France? Get out of town! I know!!!) and not only did they not understand French, but they didn't understand English! I was running and running as the man was catching up with me. I turned a corner, and looked behind me. He was not there. Suddenly, I heard a truck. I turned around, and these two men were in the truck. The driver had the guy who was chasing me by the throat. I walked to the chaser, and boy, I was looking really smug when I woke up!

I'm going to relieve some of my stress. Time to study some Spanish grammar and Brit Lit!


posted by Evolution of gina at 3/11/2007 11:58:00 AM | Permalink |

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Comments for I'm Going to Stop with the Peanut-Butter Spoons before Bedtime.
I have a good friend here who went to Paris...she said the French treated her very well because she is black and they thought that she was british.

But yeah, lay off the peanut butter. hee hee

perhaps your weird dreams are a cry for some more exciting entertainment in your life.

Yeah, I hear they are good people. Doesn't make me like the language any more.

...and I do need some excitement. Almost had some, too. Someone invited me to go to Destin for the weekend, but I didn't go. Probably for the best. I ended up waking before 6am this morning and taped up four chapters of Spanish flashcards before I left the room. Imagine my surprise when I go back at the end of the week and realize how much crap I've got to learn.

I'm gonna go cry now.

Hey.... Maybe we should go see Celine. You know, that heffa said she was going to pay me for that one song and she never did... that heffa.