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Ten Things This Tuesday

Tuesday, April 03, 2007
"I belong to Bridesgrooms Anonymous - whenever I feel like getting married, they send over a lady in a housecoat and hair curlers to burn my toast for me." - Dick Martin

My sleeping habits warrant this one.

Ten things I do when I oversleep:

1. Forget to put on deoderant. Thanks goodness I'm not a very smelly baby.

2. Wear my shower shoes to class. They are in style, you know. Why they are called "flip-flops" is still beyond me.

3. I put a cap on. I've forced people to get used to it anyway.

4. I don't make up my bed. I end up getting right back in it as soon as I come back to the room, anyway.

5. Brush my teeth before I go to bed. If my teeth feel particularly plaquey (I'm an English major, I can do that) ...

6. Brush my teeth while I pee. When I don't have time to even pee, I'll ...

7. Hold it until I get to class. To avoid being late, I acknowledge my presence by dropping off my books. Then I R U N.

8. Grab something out of the dirty-clothes bin and put them on. Yes, I do check the funk factor, and usually I'm safe.

9. Sleep in my bra. Well, the real reason I sleep in my bra is because the girls do not like to be free. They get all itchy and floppy and stuff. Ladies, you know what I mean.

10. Starve. It's my punishment for being up late and waking up late.


posted by Evolution of gina at 4/03/2007 09:26:00 AM | Permalink |

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Comments for Ten Things This Tuesday
I used to do the drop the books and run in high school...they never gave us enough time in between classes to go and the bathrooms would be full anyway. So to avoid the tardy.

I sleep in a sport's bra because the girls like it. I've been known to just throw a sweat shirt on over my slept in sports bra and in pony tail.

Listerine Pocket strips...pop a few of those instead of brushing the teeth when in a hurry.