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That Low-Down-Dirty Sap-Sucker...

Thursday, March 15, 2007
"We are not retreating - we are advancing in another direction." - General Douglas MacArthur

Remember Drew, the liar? Well, he keeps calling me, and I keep answering the phone. I actually deleted it and told myself that he could kiss my @&& from hip to hip and take a little snort from the crack. I just didn't care. He's a liar, and though I can forgive just about anything, I can't get past this. It wouldn't be so bad, but I can talk to him about everything. I've told him things--and I've told people this before--I don't even want to repeat to myself. So--someone shoot off my baby toe--when he called me dead in the middle of the night after he got off work, I answered the phone. Yes, he knew I was sleep; yes, I wanted to go back to sleep, but my dumb back forty stayed and talked to him.

Drew wants me to trust him again.

Not today. Tomorrow's not looking so hot, either.

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posted by Evolution of gina at 3/15/2007 04:32:00 PM | Permalink |

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Comments for That Low-Down-Dirty Sap-Sucker...
Tell him that this breech has hurt you too much. You will not ever be able to trust him again.

Oh and turn the phone off at night...too many people who have your number don't have good phone manners.
While having the phone for emergencies is all nobel & such, the fact is that the only folks who are calling in the middle of the night are doing it to bother just turn it off and have a good night's sleep.


Oh, he knows. If Drew knows nothing else, he knows that I don't trust him.

I think that he realized within that phone call that, unless he's trying to stay awake or something, it's bothering me for him to call. I gave that man my schedule, and he thought it was still okay for him to call me that late?

Speaking of the phone thing, it comes from a habit. I've always left my phone on in case of emergencies when my mama was alive. I know I shouldn't allow it to continue, but you know how it goes: people call with important news early in the morning, bad or good.

Besides, my default alarm clock is on it. The alarm is so perky that I mentally dance to it. The alarm almost replaces that musical alarm that I used to hear in my head when I was a kid. My mama would call my name twice (one time I had a dream that she called me, which left me awake in the middle of the night), I'd acknowledged that I heard her, she'd tell me to wake up and leave the room, and I'd hear that wake up music as if I'm walking onto a talk show stage in front of a live studio audience. Not today's music. It would be something that sounded like Doc Severenson and his band would play.

(Sigh) I'm normal. I'm okay. I swear I am. Honest. Really, even.
