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Sunday, September 09, 2007
"No one can make you feel inferior without your consent." - Eleanor Roosevelt

Can I say that someone came to my room and told me that he would "totally do me." Goodness knows, I want to be done, but come on. I would at least like to have my name pronounced correctly. Oh yeah, I would like to have him be around afterwards.

I want to say that I am flattered, but I'm not. I mean I may have a "it's been a while" sign on my forehead, but I do have standards. This guy, who happened to be on his way back to school that's far, far away--I'm in Mississippi and he's going to Harvard--approached me in an unsettling way. I realize that he is in his twenties, but even he should have known better.

Good grief.

posted by Evolution of gina at 9/09/2007 08:53:00 AM | Permalink |

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Comments for Stalker!
I think he meant that as a complement. I would have had to say "gee thanks, but I'm looking to get married & have kids!" Send him running back to Harvard! LOL! Sometimes guys (even smart guys who go to Harvard) are very stupid!


There is someone out there for you. Hang in there and he'll show up.

Thanks, Renee. He could have been the one if he did not speak to me in that way. Maybe I am over reacting, who knows.

I told him that I am often reminded about that Woody Allen statement when someone says something like that to me: he said that he is always wary of people who are attracted to him because there must be something wrong with someone who is attracted to someone like him.

Know what I mean? :)