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Ten Things This Tuesday

Tuesday, September 04, 2007
"To teach a man how he may learn to grow independently, and for himself, is perhaps the greatest service that one man can do another." - Benjamin Jowett

Ten random thoughts:
1. School is good.
2. I have some nice people for friends here.
3. I'm a little bratty.
4. I'm cut from a really different cloth, a kind of burlappy-silk.
5. I'm enjoying reading Faulkner when I can.
6. I need to go to work.
7. My room is cute. I may put up a picture of it.
8. I need to comb my hair.
9. I have to go pee.
10. I'm going to go pee now.


posted by Evolution of gina at 9/04/2007 03:01:00 PM | Permalink |

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Comments for Ten Things This Tuesday
hey you!

did you know your permalinks don't come with a comment link? I have to go to your regular blog to comment.

I never did the dorm thing in college. My first sememster I lived with my parents and my others were with my hubby (there was a lot of years between those...I dropped out and then went back.)

Only 8 more classes. YAY you! at this point I changed my mind (yet again) about what I wanted a degree in. and you guessed it, I don't have a degree.