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Somebody Hold Me Back

Friday, August 10, 2007
"As in political, so in literary action a man wins friends for himself mostly by the passion of his prejudices and the consistent narrowness of his outlook." - Joseph Conrad

Ugh! People can be so rude!

I went to a Japanese restaurant that had two sides--and two entrances. Mind you, it was the first time I had ever been there. I opened they door and two servers nearly pounced on me.

Listen, I'm Black. I'm accustomed to certain looks--like the one they gave me as if I either did not know how to eat Japanese food or I'm about to be rude and classless. I can even say that I might have asked for it. I was wearing some jeans, a "Big Dog' t-shirt, and my dreaded-looking hair can set some people aback. But they did not have to look at me as if I was going to fulfill their stereotypical expectations.

Anyway, I asked for a to-go menu so I can see what I wanted. I left, got my purse out of my trunk, and went back inside. I wanted to read and have some green tea, maybe order some sushi. One of the servers asked if I wanted hibachi or sushi. I told them sushi and he pointed to the entrance for the other side of the restaurant.

I wasn't going to tell him that
this was my first time in that restaurant or that I didn't know there was a second entrance since I parked to where my vantage point only saw one entrance or that I did not understand him when they pointed in that direction the first time, because I'm considerate of people speaking second languages with their heavy accents, I swear I am. I've been trying to speak decent Spanish, but it's just not working. I digress. Again.

One step after I began to walk in the entrance's direction, one of the servers laughed. I continued to walk away. I knew he was laughing at me and not in a kind way, either. I let that slide.

Upon leaving. I went through the same doorway, and the same two male servers were there. One of them gave that head-nudging in my direction as he made a sound. I slowed down my walk so I could stare at that one guy so he would not forget my face and vice versa. I heard, "have a good evening," from the other guy. At a glance I saw a nasty smirk on his face. I stabbed a "truck you" (remember, this is a family blog) look at him, returned a salutation and left. I wanted to do something. Anything. As I was returning to campus, I thought about revenge. Lord, help me I thought and thought. It'll probably be my next Ten Things This Tuesday.

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posted by Evolution of gina at 8/10/2007 08:47:00 PM | Permalink |

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Comments for Somebody Hold Me Back
Not very smart of those two "yahoos" to be making remarks like that in Mississippi. They are in the minority.
Some people can be so stupid.

Well if you still have their To-Go menu you can write somethink like "don't eat here" and hang it up on one of the bulletin boards on campus. Or just call the health dept on them. LOL!

That would be mean, Renee. Shame! Shame!

I'm going to look for that number. Ha!

I have no problem with the restaurant. It's a matter of sensibilities. That, and I need to lose weight. The best defense is getting a couple of football player friends of mine that don't mind sushi (yeah, I know--good luck on that) to go in there and threaten those skinny, mean-spirited snots.

Only nine more to go. :D