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Ten Things This Tuesday (NUMBER 350 FOR ME!!!!!!!!)

Tuesday, December 18, 2007
"If I read a book and it makes my whole body so cold no fire can ever warm me, I know that is poetry."- Emily Dickinson

Ladies and gentlemen (yes, all five of us), I would like to kindly inform you that I have made it through to 350 posts! Yippee!!!!!!

After I get back to school, I'm going to do something educational, and hopefully interesting. At least it is going to be educational and helpful to me and phooey to you if you don't enjoy it. I would tell you that you better like it, dad gum it (family blog, people--no hard core cursing typed here. Heh...)! If you are not interested as I must be for my future as an educated English freak, then I said, Phooey on you and rasberries in your face, even!

Enough about that. All of you family people have so much stuff to do for the holidays. Well, my unmarried, childless butt has got news for you. Ten things I'm going to do over the holidays and you wish you could do, but you have families and company and guests and children and stuff!

1. Walk around stark nekkid. Yup. I might not even wear houseshoes or footies.
2. Watch "It's a Wonderful Life" 17 times in one day. You know you want to. I can watch it uninterrupted, too!
3. Have take out for Christmas dinner.
4. Sleep late because nobody is waiting for Santa to drop a load before opening presents.
5. Make white hot chocolate with all the nutmeg I want in it. You know you want the recipe. If you ask really nicely, I might tell you.
6. Not make up my bed.
7. Shower and know that there will be hot water.
8. Drink out of my milk jug. No, I don't do that. Well, okay, I do, but only when I'm going to drain it. I swear!
9. Sit down and read a good book while listening to Christmas music. In actuality, I will be studying for my comprehensive exams. No real pleasure in that. If you want to know what my final short list ended up being, ask me, and I'll tell you.
10. Go to the bathroom with the bathroom door open. Yup. I do that sometimes. In the middle of the night. When nobody's around. Just in case someone knocks on the door or something. Okay! Okay! Sometimes I don't close it first thing in the morning either, but that is as far as I'm admitting to!

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posted by Evolution of gina at 12/18/2007 07:39:00 PM | Permalink |

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Comments for Ten Things This Tuesday (NUMBER 350 FOR ME!!!!!!!!)
Hi Just to say that I really liked your " 10 things to do thhis Tuesday",
I've been there, done it and have the T shirt !!!

Enjoy your Xmas.

Thanks! Merry Christmas to you, too!

Thanks! Merry Christmas to you, too!