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Consolation Prize For Those Blogs I Couldn't Choose

Wednesday, July 19, 2006
I am reluctant to even write this post. These blogs are so savvy and intriguing! I had to turn down these blogs because of honoring the repeated request for the renter over on the left.

DaveDorm - Dave's blog is awesome. His posts are concise and he is smarter than a tack on a big woman's booty. He's got so much on his blog that it's simply amazing. You just gotta see how he promotes his renters! Dave, I bow down to your genius! If you saw the resume I saw, you'd be bowing, too.

Green Tea Rocks . com - KristinaQ's blog is a personal journal of a young woman in New York City. I like her writing style and the way her blog is set up. Good luck on going back to school! My piece of advice? Do it while you have the years to attain a career!

Sublime Taste of Vermouth - Fida's blog is a personal journal. She has a thing for Rock Star: Supernova. She has pics of friends and does not apologize for anything that may offend you. So you've been warned; leave your tender sensibilities at the door. I didn't see much that was offensive at first glance.

Please give these interesting blogs a click or two just so they know that y'all did it for me. Then click twice for the renter! Snickers.

Thanks, guys, for wanting to have a seat in my haven.


posted by Evolution of gina at 7/19/2006 12:37:00 AM | Permalink |

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Comments for Consolation Prize For Those Blogs I Couldn't Choose
Thanks for the honorable mention Gina :)