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I Missed the Boat

Sunday, September 17, 2006
"It is not so difficult a task to plant new truths, as to root out old errors; for there is this paradox in men, they run after that which is new, but are prejudiced in favor of that which is old." - Charles Caleb Colton

Okay, not really. This weekend seems like a blur to me and the only things that I got accomplished are reading Richard Wright's
Black Boy and I'm almost done with Eudora Welty's One Writer's Beginning. I've still got to read a short story, analyze it in a two-page essay, finish my part on a group project (and I'm beginning to think that I'm just going to write it as if it were an individual assignment--just in case), two journal entries, and write up some of my Spanish words on flash cards. I guess it would be faster if I just bought some, huh... At any rate, I planned on having all of this, sans the flash cards, done by tonight.

Which begs the question, how in the heck does everyone do it? I'm trying to figure out how some of these college kids can do all of the things that they are doing and still manage to complete their homework. Maybe they just are not completing it? Who knows. I just bought a wall-sized calendar so I can write out all of the stuff I'm supposed to be completing. I think that if I see what must be done as far as papers due and stuff that I will feel more organized.

Well, it shore sounds gud, don' it...

I've gotten a job at the library. YAY! At least it is paying over minimum wage, but not by much. If this doesn't cut it, I will have to think about moving around my time to make sure that I can focus on being ahead instead of behind in my readings. I'll let you know how I'm rating. Tonight, I'll give myself a five out of ten. I mean I could have not have all of my assignments read, but I'm trying to work as far ahead as possible. Next week will be a little tight for me. Nothing crazy, but it will be my first week of working and going to school. Not that I'm working a lot of hours, but it will be taking quality time from my studying. I do get to study there, though. It's just that I can't do reading there. I realize that the work that I have to do will be writing work, not focusing or reading work. Ironic, huh... I mean the one place I should be able to read is so not the one place I will be able to read.


I need a hug.

Maybe some chocolate. Anyone want to send me a care package? Maybe a teddy bear?

I've got to work on my reflection, too. Almost forgot about that. I may put it on here once it's been turned in, just not sure yet. Part of me wants to write about a whole different experience just so I can use this paper for something else. Who knows.

Gotta go. Someone's gonna give me some help on some other stuff.

Chocolate. Definitely need chocolate.

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posted by Evolution of gina at 9/17/2006 09:45:00 PM | Permalink |

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Comments for I Missed the Boat
Congrats Mamma! Jobs are good.

I'm happy for you - now go do some homework.

Yussum. I'm on it now.

After I peek at what you said about my story. ;)

Am willing to trade:

1. Previously cuddled teddy bear (like new!).

2. Slightly stale Whitman's Sampler (minus caramel).

Make an offer.

I'll take the teddy bear if it is well stuffed, but not smelly.

Whitman's Sampler, huh? Gosh, you're not splurging, huh..