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My Thoughts on the Anniversary

Tuesday, September 12, 2006
"We have to dare to be ourselves, however frightening or strange that self may prove to be."- Mary Sarton

(I love how when I go to the random quote site that it almost always gives me the quote I need...)

I wanted to reflect on September 11, 2001, the anniversary, the past, the future, the present... but then again, I didn't.

I felt like it only would minimalize the day. I mean I needed to reflect like I needed to add a grain of sand to the beach to make a difference. I had nothing to say that would contribute to the enormous magnitude of information that this day was awash with. My being quiet did not mean that I did not think about the significance; I also think of it whenever I see a movie that has the New York skyline before that fateful, paradigm-shifting day. My two cents would not have added nor detracted to what this meant in the scheme of things to me. I'm sure that someone is thinking but it did matter; what you feel and what you say does matter.

I don't think it would have mattered because I am in agreement with what was said all day long. The tragedy of the over 3000 people (we tend to forget the fully-boarded four airplanes and loss of life at the pentagon) is an ugly spot that has bled into the history of America.

And the blot has yet to not only dried, but cease to bleed.

So I went to classes, took a nap, washed some clothes and did some homework. The grief of the day was more distinctive than in other days in the past, but it's a foundational grief along with all of the thousands of lives that have been snuffed out and forgotten. Help me for saying the questions that I'm sure has been asked: All this and for what? Where the damnation is Osama Bin Laden? What has to be done before Bush can be impeached? Who really wants to become president to clean up this quagmire that the idiot left? and so many more.

Okay, so I did have something to say. My bad.

My heart is weighted, yet I've got Spanish homework to do.


posted by Evolution of gina at 9/12/2006 12:19:00 AM | Permalink |

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Comments for My Thoughts on the Anniversary
I know exactly what you mean about our grain of sand being so insignificant. But that's exactly what makes each grain so very important. If each grain decided it didn't need to be there, there would be no beach!

I, too, took a name and tried to do her justice, knowing while I was attempting it that I really couldn't. With something like that, it's the effort that counts.

Bueno suerte con su espanol ahora. And don't critique my spelling or my word choice! I took Spanish about 45 years ago and I've tried to brush up on it off and on ever since.