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Ten Things This Tuesday

Tuesday, February 13, 2007
"Enjoy yourself. If you can't enjoy yourself, enjoy somebody else."- Jack Schaefer

Tomorrow's Valentine's Day, a day for love, passion, and public displays of affection for couples. A day for angst, lowering self-esteem issues, and bitterness for us suckers who hasn't had a valentine in years because she couldn't even rent out a relationship, much less get into one because men basically suck and if they don't suck then someone else has him. Now that I think about it, I bet that someone has my man right now. Give me back my man, floozy! He's mine, you hear me! M-I-N-E!!!!!!!

Woops. Did I say that? Sorry. I digress.

Ten brand names people should think about acquiring over the next year to have a date this time next year:
1. Sonicare toothbrush.
2. Rembrandt toothpaste.
3. Scope. Listerine.
4. Dial. Zest. Coast. Irish Spring.
5. Head 'N Shoulders. Breck. L'Oreal. Creme of Nature.
6. Gillette. Bic. Nair.
7. Tic-Tac. Wrigley's. Dentyne.
8. Ace. Goody. Scrunchi.
9. Cool Water. Grey Flannel. Obsession for Men. (...the latter two my personal favorites.)
10. Bath and Body Works. The Body Shop. Walgreens.

Yeah, number ten is a list of good go-to shops for just about everything you need. I could have said Wal-Mart, but you know how you are. You will get in there for some body wash and end up with groceries, materials for a sewing or home-improvement project, and some duct tape. And let's face it: duct tape can do many things, but it will not help you smell better.

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posted by Evolution of gina at 2/13/2007 04:38:00 PM | Permalink |

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Comments for Ten Things This Tuesday
Oh you're killing me! That was just too funny.

And no, my dh is MINE, not yours. ;o)

And you're right about WalMart... I can't believe I went there the other day and got just an oil change...usually I come out of there with over $100 of stuff I had no idea I was going to buy when I went in there.

And Duct tape is a miracle of the world. does that even make any sense?

I'm looking back on it after I wrote it.

I need to get on meds and soon.

And, nope, Renee, duct tape being the eighth wonder of the world does not make any sense, and yet...LOL

funny about the duct tape... my Mom sends all her packages taped up with duct tape. So when we get a package that's all silver, even DD knows from a distance who sent it. She also uses shredded newspaper as packing. I have some very nice pictures of DD when she was little playing with all the paper and making a HUGE mess...I sent those to Mom. Bwah ha ha ha!

re exercise: I got on the eliptical yesterday and lasted almost 4 minutes. I don't know what was up with that because just a few days ago I did 15 with no problems. Must have just been a low energy day...I did fall asleep fairly early.

Today I'm getting my hair color done. I don't know if I'll have any energy at all after sitting in the chair for 2 hours. Hummm it only takes me 30 min to do it at home by myself...but then it looks like it only took me 30 min to do it. LOL! I guess that's why I fork out the big bucks every now and then.

My hairdresser said that she had nothing on her appointment schedule for today (Valentines) because everyone had come in before to get their hair done. I think that was rather silly. Get your hair done today and you'll look gorgeous for tonight!

and here I am blathering again...sorry.

Have a great Valentines day! and I don't think you need any meds.