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I'm Just Sayin'

Monday, July 02, 2007
"The Venus de Milo is a good example of what happens to somebody who won't stop biting her fingernails."- Will Rogers

So I haven't taken the Spanish final yet. I am sick with worry about it, but once I take it, I'll be done with it. It's amazing how many random thoughts I could have written about since I was last here, but I didn't.

I can say this: today, someone who I'm not sure I have had a great deal of respect for told me something that blew my mind. She went to Africa for a Study-Abroad class, and after talking about it, like you may be considering, I thought that I need to get out of this country myself and how much it would take to to it.

Ready for the statement? Here it is. "Well, my dad is a rocket scientist--"

What the Sam Hill? A rocket scientist? In Mississippi? That's it, I think. She is lying! Good googly woogly!

Okay, time for that stuff. Later.


posted by Evolution of gina at 7/02/2007 10:52:00 AM | Permalink |

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Comments for I'm Just Sayin'
You will ace the Spanish final I am sure! Signorita!!! Olé!