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Can't We All Just Pee Along?

Sunday, June 24, 2007
"I took a lie detector test the other day. No I didn't." - Steven Wright

I'm a woman. A woman that happens to use public restrooms when necessary. Like tonight. I was at a popular restaurant for several hours. I have this thing where I will go to a place to study because I tend to not do it in my room. I was going to a Japanese place, but it was closed, so I went to the Waffle House. I hate going to this particular Waffle House during the time of day I was going because the people there have no sense of cleanliness. I had a feeling that I was going to actually want something to eat, and I did not want that heffa fixing my food, so I drove around and ended up at this kind of restaurant that serves good versions of basic American food--burgers, steaks, catfish ... stuff like that.

I felt like I could get some coffee in a coffee cup since they have busboys that clean the dishes (as opposed to the servers having to serve and wash dishes like at the Waffle House). After several cups of coffee (and yes, I'm finally getting to the point, but come on ... you know me, I wander sometimes) I needed to go pee. I found the ladies' room which had four stalls. I went into one and, heavens to mergatroid and thank the bathroom gods (because I really had to pee), the toilet seat was not peed on and there was an ample amount of toilet tissue for my back forty and other place (no need for too many details--it is [supposedly] a family blog). I did my business (okay, you don't really want to know how I pee, and if you do, then you need to stop reading my blog, you big freak! Okay, not you Dutch Bitch, but anyone else that is entertaining the thought [okay, Renee, not you either] and I mean stop now ... eewww!) flushed, checked that everything went down the hole, washed my hands, took the paper towel that I dried my hands with, opened the door, and returned to my life at the table.

A few hours--and a few more cups of coffee--later, I returned to the ladies' room. The stall with which I became familiar was available. I opened and the bathroom gods switched off their "on duty" sign, because, though the toilet was flushed and ready for seating, there was no more toilet tissue!

Needless to say, I gasped.

I checked the first stall. I will be polite and simply say that it was unflushed.


I checked the last remaining non-handicapped stall. I will simply say that someone missed their aim and felt it necessary to inform everyone else of their bad target practice.


So, can't we just all pee along, ladies? Can we not aim and fire in the hole, and if we cannot, can we take care of cleaning up behind ourselves? I mean if you women can clean up behind your babies, you can at least do it for yourself. I'm not asking for much. I don't need to see your leftover pee on the toilet. I don't. Nobody else does. (And if you do, you need to stop reading my blog, you sick freak!) (Okay, not you, Dutch Bitch. And not you, either, Renee.)

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posted by Evolution of gina at 6/24/2007 12:18:00 AM | Permalink |

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Comments for Can't We All Just Pee Along?
ROTFLOLPIMP (because obiviously I can't go in the bathroom!)

I'm so with you on this post. What is wrong with people? The majority of the time when it's unflushed it's obvious that a child was the "Moms if you KNOW your child doesn't flush...then go with them and flush for them!" Hello? Do you really think it's the rest of the village's job to flush down your kids toilet? And they have proven that the toilet seat is if everyone would just sit down it would be clean cuz you wouldn't be peeing on it. Geesh!
I like how some bathrooms have that switch you can turn on "If the bathroom needs attention." But really it should be the job of the teenagers at the restaurant...people need to clean up after themselves.

I'm seriously considering getting a shewee. It's a funnel that women can use so they don't have to sit down.

OMG! That is so disgusting! It's like that over here too, in the toilets that are used by staff, visitors and patients... eeewwwwwww!!!! Sometimes I wonder why I make the effort to be clean and social...