Wednesday, March 19, 2008
"Always do sober what you said you'd do drunk. That will teach you to keep your mouth shut." - Ernest Hemingway
I just had to say this. I was listening to the radio when an article came up about two Mississippi bills were shut down in committees. They both were right-to-life bills. One of them was banning the RU-140 (I think) pill--the "oops we didn't have any protection and this ought to cover my becoming pregnant" pill. Some woman was disgusted with the "Mississippi Democrats" because of this. Now I'm going to say as closely as possible what she said:
"I think that the Democrats were ridiculous to not pass these bills because (blah blah blah--stuff that was insignificant...) and they are killing potential voters!"
Hold on just a second. The only reason a Democrat should force a woman to keep a child that she does not want to keep is because they might end up voting for them?????? SCREAMING!!!!!!!
I just had to say this. I was listening to the radio when an article came up about two Mississippi bills were shut down in committees. They both were right-to-life bills. One of them was banning the RU-140 (I think) pill--the "oops we didn't have any protection and this ought to cover my becoming pregnant" pill. Some woman was disgusted with the "Mississippi Democrats" because of this. Now I'm going to say as closely as possible what she said:
"I think that the Democrats were ridiculous to not pass these bills because (blah blah blah--stuff that was insignificant...) and they are killing potential voters!"
Hold on just a second. The only reason a Democrat should force a woman to keep a child that she does not want to keep is because they might end up voting for them?????? SCREAMING!!!!!!!
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