Exit 185
So I wrote this poem about going home. Wanna see it? Well, here is the first draft. It's going to need some revisions, in fact I'm thinking about making it two separate poems. I'll post the revision eventually.
Exit 185
The mile marker hadn’t changed.
The curve last hiding slope, its median sidled
with man-made forests to the middle
and nature’s wooded barrier
on the right has not changed
from the so many trips—from different cities
away from different reasons—that I had
made before. I’d gun the engine, free
from highway patrol officers, close
to home. The slope becomes
shallower, shorter. The sensations grip
my nerves as my fingernails dig
into the steering wheel: excitement
insecurity, love, separation.
At the top of the hill, the highway meanders
slightly to the right and straightens. The viaduct
before me and the fork with secret intuition
invites me to come home. The world stops
at Exit 185. The raft of concrete connecting
the lands separated by highway
is void of obstacles, yet my worldliness
is imprisoned; the world does not permeate
these borders. Two turns and I’m disturbed
at the most recent capitalist broken attempts
to modernize this microcosm—vivid signs
offering gas, thirty-one flavors, chicken, waffles—
a designer gown on a hooker. I speed
beyond them and, after a combination
of turns and straight distances, measured relief
stills my core before my long ago
dwelling-place of my youth.
When I was a girl standing outside
only the stars interrupted
the navy-violet void
two young trees appeared
as strong weeds towering
over a blend of green and tan fauna.
Tonight those trees separate my view
from the velvet sky. I’m surprised
they came from barely nothing
to exceeding my expectations.
Time did this to the trees
but what did time do to me?
Age lines my eyes and layers my body
weighs my mind and darkens my youthful
dreams with years of forlorn melancholy.
I have lived away from these woods
these woes once entrapped turned
to musings of fear unremembered.
Years interrupt my childhood from this night.
The astral light bulbs sprawl the sky, my
favorite night light casts a translucent sheet
of bright periwinkle about all I see.
The relations between earth and sky
are amiable, on one accord
and I agree with them.
My pupils widen, my vision
bullets beyond the tree limbs
into the stars, all muses of serenity.
No wild gusts of youth to blow away
my still and certain spirit. Those days
have matured to lessons, secrets of a woman.
Labels: My Writing, Poetry, Thoughts