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Oh Dear...

Thursday, August 07, 2008
"Humor is a prelude to faith and Laughter is the beginning of prayer." - Reinhold Niebuhr

I've been thinking about you. More than you know, actually. I've been wanting someone to talk to over the last several weeks and couldn't talk to you. When I did have a way to talk to you, you were the last thing on my mind, and as you can see, I never got to the last thing on my mind while on the computer.

So this is what happened. Between May 16 and June 17, I was in the Yucatán, Mexico. I had a blast the first couple of weeks I was there, but as things do, drama crept up to me the last couple of weeks. I learned one thing while I was there: people are the same wherever we go because wherever we go, people are the same. We--okay, I--had all of me go to a foreign place and things just happened. I'll talk about that later.

Even now, the bad experiences seem to push and shove themselves into the forefront of my mind as I want to give you the good stuff. The bad things that happened to me are quite horrible. The last week in Mexico, one of the last two of my great aunts died. Six days after returning to the States, my dad, Lee Nixon, was fatally shot. You can google him (Lee Nixon St. Louis) to see what happened.

That day, I returned to St. Louis. I went home to Mississippi to gather a few things, but I haven't left since. The outpouring of love and support that I've received was nothing short of miraculous. (If you google my father, you will see this.) I've been doing what my father's been wanting of me--to be a salesperson for his company. I'm sure he wanted more, but that's a start.

As for me, I'm taking things one day at a time. Sometimes, when I'm feeling the grief of not seeing my father, I take things one minute at a time.

As for you, I've been slacking. You've been on my mind, and I still love you. I'll try to be better.

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posted by Evolution of gina at 8/07/2008 03:39:00 PM | Permalink |

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