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More Than Full, More Than Metal

Thursday, July 27, 2006
"If you always do what interests you, then at least one person is pleased."

- Katharine Hepburn

I cannot think of the words I could possibly express to get you to see the renter of this week. Just know that the work is beautiful. I'll clean this up later tonight. Please click on Full Metal Photographer.

Okay, I still do not have the words to express how much I love this blog! I've become a pic fanatic. I've taken pics, I've printed them, I've admired the work of a lot of people through Flikr, Photo Bucket, and other sites. I've seen Kelly's work off and on for a while and I still don't have the words to express how good his work is. I've got to tell you that his work is copyrighted, so don't take any of his work without acknowledgement of him.

Kelly Hoffart is a Lincoln, Nebraska, photographer. (How about those Huskers? I used to live in Omaha). He is in law school or is a lawyer (he also has a blog called Full Metal Attorney), but he is a professional photographer, too. You should see his work; he really has a gift.

I wish I could find the words to express his work! I can't! Good googly woogly! In retrospect, if I could find more words, it might make me look a little amorous and he is married with two dogs. If you like art, if you like photography, heck, even if you like purdy and intriguing pictures, you gotta go look at this guy. I want to buy a couple of his prints, he's so good (and y'all know how broke I am)!

I've displayed a couple of his pictures. On the blog you will able to look at his portfolio, buy prints, and even an option to sell them.

There are so many more pics I could put up here for you to see (I love "White Cow"), but you just gotta see it for yourself!


posted by Evolution of gina at 7/27/2006 07:32:00 PM | Permalink |

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Comments for More Than Full, More Than Metal
Thanks for the plug!

No problem!

Wow! You are definitely right about the quality of his photos! I've invited him to join BLOG VILLAGE, too, so keep your fingers crossed.


Awesome plug, by the way.

I mean it! I wish I could show you some of my crap. I've got some on Flickr, but the bulk of mine is on PhotoBucket.

How are the Huskers doing and can you send me some corn? Oh do I miss the corn and the muskmelons!

I have a bunch of sweet corn my father-in-law grew, but can't send it :(

Huskers have been doing horribly since Osborne retired. I guess we have a good baseball team now, but I can't think of anything that I care less about than baseball. Well, cricket, maybe.