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Ten Things This Tuesday

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

"It's noble to be good. It's nobler to teach others to be good, and less trouble."
- Mark Twain

"What we hope to do with ease, we must first learn to do with diligence."
- Samuel Johnson

Ten things I’m gotta make sure I take with me the first time I go to school:

  1. A teddy bear. It’ll be something I can hold onto when I need a hug.
  2. Pictures. I will probably take some of my mama, my daddy, and this special one of my grandmother and her Mona Lisa smile.
  3. My planner. A darling friend of mine bought me a Franklin Covey planner and bag. They are so good looking. I can barely wait to start using them in school.
  4. My bible. Maybe I’ll be able to find time to read it along with my hundreds of pages that I’ll have to attempt to absorb.
  5. My treadmill mat. It works really well when I want to do my sit ups.
  6. My Brief Handbook. It’s a book with all of the right rules. There are a couple of other books I need to take with me, but I will have that one packed first.
  7. Sanitizing wipes. Who knows who has been living where I did in the past?
  8. A scented candle. I could use it to give myself a cue to focus on what I have to get accomplished.
  9. Garbage bags. I keep a lot of plastic grocery bags and use them for garbage.
  10. Candy jar or holder. It’ll be something inviting.

Please tell me anything else you think I should take with me the first time I go to school. It’s been so long that I’ve forgotten what to pack the first time.

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posted by Evolution of gina at 7/25/2006 10:42:00 AM | Permalink |

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Comments for Ten Things This Tuesday
Flipflops...God knows who was there first...

a small first aid kit. Bandaids for the paper cuts and asprin for the headaches.

At least a month of "personal" stuff. Who knows where the "spot" is and we don't like surprises, LOL! Where are you going?

Crazy! Absolutely nuts!

Oh. You didn't mean that.

I"m going to Millsaps College in Jackson, MS, with the hopes to get a degree in English.

Good idea on the flipflops. Ick!

Ooh! A clock! Didn't think about it. I forgot all about that. Yeesh.