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About My Family Reunion... (Part 2)

Monday, August 07, 2006
When last I spoke about this, I walked out of the hotel suite without my father and I speaking to each other. Here is where you can read the beginning.

I stepped out of the hotel room. I did some mulling around for a long time. I don't even remember where I went, but when I came back, my father was asleep. I decided to sit in a chair for a few minutes because of the lull of activity that was happening. I found myself asleep.

I awakened, but something told me to keep my eyes closed and not reveal that I was awake. I heard one of my cousins who was in my father's generation talking. He said, "Your daughter has accomplished a lot..." He said some other things about being proud of me and what an articulate person I was. You know, gooey stuff, high praises and all of that stuff.

I just found myself smirking at what my father did. He said, "Yeah, but she has a bad attitude," and I'm sure my cousin must have felt it when my father spat, "and she is just like her mother."

I was mad as (yup, you know the word I want to put here, but this is a family blog, dad gum it). I was hurt. All of these people saw what I was, this woman who had just gotten her Associate's degree, won a state-wide contest (I'll put up the poem some time, but here is a poem that people feel), I've been accepted to the most demanding school in Mississippi (I'm told that getting a degree here speaks volumes, that even being accepted was something of an honor), and on top of that, I'm pretty darn nice! But all he could see was what emnity he has against me for what the heck ever.

I couldn't hold back my tears that were seeping from my eyes while I still pretended to be sleep. I guess I looked like I was crying in my sleep. I finally "awakened" and without any fanfare, left the room.

No. After hours of being in the same room, he and I had yet to say one word to each other.

There's more. It was a pretty long day.


posted by Evolution of gina at 8/07/2006 10:19:00 PM | Permalink |

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