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Ten Things This Tuesday

Tuesday, August 29, 2006
"You have to know and feel what you are writing about."- Irving Berlin

So much has happened since I've been online. As you may know, I'm in school. I'm probably the most untraditional student they have had in quite a while. I'm an adult, black female that is living on campus. My first day with my classes started at 4am. I couldn't go back to sleep. By the time I was getting sleepy, I had to do my morning walk. Then, well... this is my ten things this Tuesday:

Ten things I want to tell you about, but I've got to go study!
1. I've met some interesting young people while I've been on campus.
2. How it took me two days, three vehicles, and some strong strangers to move into my room.
3. How I had to have someone take clothes back because I had too many--would you believe--tee shirts!
4. How when one of my teachers asked to tell them what is unique about them to identify ourselves with her, I told her that I have a very memorable way of singing "Happy Birthday." Someone said that their birthday is next Wednesday. The whole class was on pins and needles in anticipation of how I will sing it.
5. How this one guy told me he was gay and my reaction to it, which had this woman on her knees on the ground from laughing.
6. How I've been working out and eating better.
7. How there is this area on campus that is noisy with frogs, crickets, birds and all kinds of freaky noises.
8. How I had nearly lost it when I first walked into the cafeteria and then went into a bathroom and cried until I got over it.
9. How I almost didn't come to school at all.
10. What an adorable roommate I have and how she's trying to kill me.

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posted by Evolution of gina at 8/29/2006 08:19:00 PM | Permalink |

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Comments for Ten Things This Tuesday
Now all you've done is peak my curiousity, which I know was not your intention at all. HA!!

Living in a dorm are you? That must seem strange, and I bet your roommate freaked out when she realized she was with you, instead of someone her own age.

What a wonderfully strange year this is going to be, and I can't wait to hear about it.


Dirty Butter! Hiya lady!

We corresponded with each other before we met. We get along pretty well together. I have told her that she is cute and perky and that I hate her. ;) She has a really good attitude also. It's almost infectious. I can't let her perkiness affect me though.

What would I have to brood about in my writing? LOL