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Ten Things This Tuesday

Tuesday, November 28, 2006
"Convictions are more dangerous foes of truth than lies."- Nietzsche

A whole pack of gum for anyone that can elaborate on that quote. I'm not taking any philosophy classes here for nothin', I tell ya!

So, what do I have for you this Tuesday? Nothin. I gots nothin'. Nothin' at all.

Okay. Now I do.

Ten things I will not accept for Christmas:

1. Dog accessories. I have no dog.
2. Cat accessories. I have no cat.
3. Hair accessories. I have hair, but I haven't combed it in a while. Let's face it, I am making all of the women around me look good just because I'm not a size 6 and I don't comb my hair. It's cute to me and that's all that matters. Well, that and I don't want to even think of the pain I will have to suffer from combing my hair.
4. Clothes. I'm just not in the "new clothes" mood. Besides, I'm trying to make all of the women around me look better than they do. If I get all gussied up, I'd drive all of the men crazy. Okay, I mean in a good way and not the way I drive them crazy now.
5. A car. I'd probably have to pay more for insurance on it. Now, if you've got the insurance on that, I may have to reconsider. Yet even then, I don't really want ...
6. A really cute or big car. I mean I'll be happy with a funky car that runs really well. No sense in pushing up my standards any higher than I'm accustomed to. No sense looking like a hillbilly on Rodeo Drive if I don't have to.
7. A plasma television. I'd have to hang it then I'd have to watch it day and night. I'm working hard enough as it is trying to keep up watching, "Ugly Betty," "Gray's Anatomy," and "ER," as it is.
8. An Ipod. Now that's a big, fat, hairy lie. I want one. I want one really badly. They are so neato!
9. Exercise videos. Now ain't it enough for me to tell you that I'm overweight? Now you gotta give me some exercise videos? I'll accept a treadmill, but some Billy Blanks? Perish the thought!
10. Lots of money. Yup. That's another big, fat, hairy lie, too. I'll take money, contributing to my PayPal account, gift certificates, wire transfers, armored trucks... any form of legal tender that will allow me to buy stuff legally.

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posted by Evolution of gina at 11/28/2006 10:26:00 PM | Permalink |

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Comments for Ten Things This Tuesday
Useless, I'd use your tin in the way it was intended.

I'd keep it empty.