Quotes Worth Their Own Posts
- Oscar Wilde
"I am convinced that the majority of people would be generous from selfish motives, if they had the opportunity."
- Charles Dudley Warner
"Work as if you were to live a hundred years, Pray as if you were to die tomorrow."
- Benjamin Franklin
"Nothing puzzles me more than the time and space; and yet nothing troubles me less."
- Charles Lamb
"When you were born, you cried, and the world rejoiced. Live your life in such a manner that when you die, the world cries and you rejoice."
- Indian Proverb
Labels: Quotes
I Hate This Time of Year
It always seems very hollow to me. I know why; the only people that I've spent the holidays with are not with me. My mom passed away September, 2004, the friends I had in the past are no longer near me, and establishing relationships around a new place can seem superficial.
Don't get me wrong, I have acquired some good friends, sincere people that I can talk to about almost anything. Yet, having no whole blooded siblings (my brothers--not half-brothers--were not raised with me and we are all not extremely close; we know each other when we see each other, but that's about it), I have nobody to connect the wonderful innocence that we all have in common in childhood memories.
I think it has a lot to do with the shortness of days. I always grumble every August about "the Ber's," Semptember, October, November, and December. Come January, though, I usually become happier. I count the days until my birthday, have it, then become optimistic about what I want to accomplish as the days get longer.
This year, since Thanksgiving, which I spent on campus instead of going home (yeah, I now realized that I should have done it regardless of how I was justifying saving money and gas by not going) my heart has cried. It is filled with so much sadness, I'm almost afraid that I'm having menopause instead. I've been so weirdly emotional that it is almost unbearable. I haven't told but two people how sad I've been. One person noticed only because they have seen a change in me that, for some reason, I cannot hide from her.
I hate that about her. I just have to say that. Don't you hate when people can read you like an open book when you actually want to be like a locked diary?
So, I get to take it out here. With you. You that love me so very much and, yup, you know I love you, too. I hope there are others like me who can identify with the time of year and will attempt to commiserate with me.
Now, let me find that makeup bag that has my smile in it and go forth throughout the day.
Labels: Thoughts
Ten Things This Tuesday
A whole pack of gum for anyone that can elaborate on that quote. I'm not taking any philosophy classes here for nothin', I tell ya!
So, what do I have for you this Tuesday? Nothin. I gots nothin'. Nothin' at all.
Okay. Now I do.
Ten things I will not accept for Christmas:
1. Dog accessories. I have no dog.
2. Cat accessories. I have no cat.
3. Hair accessories. I have hair, but I haven't combed it in a while. Let's face it, I am making all of the women around me look good just because I'm not a size 6 and I don't comb my hair. It's cute to me and that's all that matters. Well, that and I don't want to even think of the pain I will have to suffer from combing my hair.
4. Clothes. I'm just not in the "new clothes" mood. Besides, I'm trying to make all of the women around me look better than they do. If I get all gussied up, I'd drive all of the men crazy. Okay, I mean in a good way and not the way I drive them crazy now.
5. A car. I'd probably have to pay more for insurance on it. Now, if you've got the insurance on that, I may have to reconsider. Yet even then, I don't really want ...
6. A really cute or big car. I mean I'll be happy with a funky car that runs really well. No sense in pushing up my standards any higher than I'm accustomed to. No sense looking like a hillbilly on Rodeo Drive if I don't have to.
7. A plasma television. I'd have to hang it then I'd have to watch it day and night. I'm working hard enough as it is trying to keep up watching, "Ugly Betty," "Gray's Anatomy," and "ER," as it is.
8. An Ipod. Now that's a big, fat, hairy lie. I want one. I want one really badly. They are so neato!
9. Exercise videos. Now ain't it enough for me to tell you that I'm overweight? Now you gotta give me some exercise videos? I'll accept a treadmill, but some Billy Blanks? Perish the thought!
10. Lots of money. Yup. That's another big, fat, hairy lie, too. I'll take money, contributing to my PayPal account, gift certificates, wire transfers, armored trucks... any form of legal tender that will allow me to buy stuff legally.
Labels: Humor, My Writing, Ten Things This Tuesday
Time to Learn, Grasshoppah!
I told y'all I'm in the library, right? I didn't mention how much work I had to do, did I? Well, let me just say that I did have enough time to not let this bidder slip by.
Yet, I feel really dirty. You see, I haven't had a chance to really get to read much content. I can tell you that the owner of the blog is an American professor in China. How do I know that? Well, it's because of the name of the blog, silly! (Dumber than expecting to rub two twigs together to get paper. Yup, there are smarter bumps on logs, I know.) From first glance, he speaks about the quirks of China from an American point-of-view and the quirks of America from an American's point-of-view of natives of China. (Okay, I'm a dope, but that proved that I have my smart moments, didn't it? I'm just hoping he is not an English professor. Yeesh.) He has intriguing stories and very interesting pics.
Please give him a click. I'll be here when you get back. Promise.
Labels: Blog Sites to See
Consolation Prizes for My Other Bidders
Oh dear. Oh me oh my even. So I was at the library this afternoon after skipping a Spanish class because I was studying my Spanish in my room (weird, I know... I've done worse, though) when the first two bloggers' bid expired (told you I've done worse). Now I can't even do get to the screen to find them, but I will add them on to this post when I finally find them.
That said, I will tell you about the others:
Blonde Chick Bloggin' Uhmm... well, people, I adore this blog. The blues are really soothing. Her content is so funny, I feel like I have to go to the bathroom. One of her posts went there, and I couldn't help but identify with it. The content is witty, too. What more can you ask for from a blonde? Not much, dare I say! Please consider clicking her blog.
Quartz Mountain Communications Let me say two things about this blog. First, I'm too dumb for it. Two, it's so smart that I don't know why they want to even consider renting my square. The page that you will be clicking on refers to marketing advice for online businesses. It's got really informative articles about current online marketing news and events (for lack of better phrasing--told you I'm pretty dumb). Don't misunderstand, I found the articles interesting. I have a feeling you will, also. Give them a click.
Okay, they are neato blogs, y'all. Go click on their links, give them some love for bidding on my square, why don't you... I'll be here when you get back. I promise.
Labels: Blog Sites to See
A Quote Worth Its Own Post...
If at First You Don't Succeed, Speak, Speak Again
Something's been crossing my mind over the last couple of days. The school campus had a focus on what is liberal and what is conservative. Between that and my having to write an ethics paper (I chose to write against Save Haven Laws), I began to believe that the difference between being liberal and being conservative also may lie on who we push off our opinions.
Yeah, yeah, I know. I really have to work on that. Don't beat me up about it. It's not about me.
You see, I've always been murky about what's conservative and what's liberal. I'm not a political head; I've always voted democratically not necessarily blindly, but always with the notion that deep down inside, I did not want to vote republican. That said, I considered the abortion laws.
Come on, y'all! You know I love you! Just hear me out before you groan and moan.
Maybe I shouldn't say this, but for those who wish to have abortion laws abolished, there is the argument that if a woman did not want the baby, but had to keep it because abortion became illegal, who would keep the unwanted baby? I can't keep it, can any of the right-to-lifers? I'm just wondering if those same people who are picketing could not use their time more wisely by promoting safe sex and abstinence or providing programs that would let well-qualified people (you know what I mean, gone through the rigamarole to adopt a kid) be able to let women bring children to term and take them instead of aborting them.
Is what I may believe strengthened when I can justify it or when others agree with me? Am I that much vehement about my opinion when I can impose my beliefs based on my life onto other people? Does that make me more liberal or more conservative? Does others accepting my opinion make me more liberal or conservative?
Labels: My Opinion, My Writing
Thanksgiving Advice
I wasn't going to even use that quote, but it really matches well with the poem that I wrote. I hope you like it and take the advice given.
Thanksgiving Advice
A day again for giving thanks,
an appreciation day in itself
but may I make a few suggestions
as you overstuff yourself?
Say grace before you begin to eat
and savor each morsel of food.
Let not your heart be troubled.
Keep good spirits and a good mood.
Take a reflective look around
at all who sit at the table.
Appreciate all who are present.
Reflect on who is no longer able.
Place your heart before your tongue.
Pass the love when you pass the sauce.
No complaints this day about your job;
some people wish they had a boss.
Be joyous at this grateful time
and Happy Thanksgiving Day.
Go to bed early and set your clock
for Friday is Shopping Day!
Labels: Humor, My Writing, Poetry
Ten Things This Tuesday
So, how could I possibly make this Tuesday any more thrilling than the other Tuesdays?
I can't. I simply can't do it. All I can do is try.
Ten things you can tell a random stranger only because it's the holidays (only if you want to get punched out):
1. "Try to remember that there are others at the table when you get a fourth serving."
2. "Do they make belts your size?"
3. "A little too much rum in the fruitcake this year, huh..."
4. "Don't forget; WalMart doesn't have layaway this year. You actually have to have the money up front this time."
5. "A little mouthwash can go a long way..."
6. "... but a lot of mouthwash would be best for you."
7. "Hey, baby, I'd like to spread a lot of good cheer all over you!"
8. "Did you put on any exercise equipment on your wish list?"
9. "I think you should."
10. "Don't forget about what the holidays are for, pal. Now give me that Elmo, *&(^#%!"
Labels: Humor, My Writing, Ten Things This Tuesday
The Hours
So, lately I’ve be cognizant of every hour that passes by. I’m not sure if it is because of the number of hours I actually study or if I will soon have to say I am forty-something. I yearn to stretch the period when I can still say I’m forty. When I first turned forty at the beginning of the year, I told people that I didn’t think of it as forty; I thought of it as “twenty-twenty.” It worked for me. And, dad gum it, it still does!
So an hour has transitioned since I’ve written this. I should have been working on my Spanish homework. Now I will be working on my Spanish homework instead of getting dressed for breakfast.
That hour will never return. I see it slip away from me like a fond memory.
Labels: My Opinion, My Writing
She's Raging and I Think I Like It!
So, I took a longer glance to find the name of Jack's Raging Mommy to no avail. I did read a couple of her blogs and I am moved. I empathize with her blog about depression and I'm feeling moody about it. The pic on the left is not hers; it's mine. I just thought that it would be cool since I could not find anything to pic off her site to put here.
I do like her writing style and she's been around. The banner of her blog is so refreshing and relaxing at the same time. You guys know how much of a cloud freak I am!
Okay, enough with my lip. Give madame a click for me, please. I'll be here when you get back. Promise.
Labels: Blog Sites to See
Consolation Prize for the Other Bidders
Shucks. Just when I was going to whine about how busy I am, I get that quote. Well, dang it, I am busy! So, let me just put the consolation prize bloggers links up. I glances at them and they are worthy for me to do more than just post links for them, but I would hope they understood and I equally hope that you click on them.
The Foo Logs
Advertising for Success
Please give them a click. They'll like me for it!
Labels: Blog Sites to See
A Daily OM Dose of Thought
Making Life Yours
There is no secret recipe for happiness and contentment. The individuals who move through life joyously have not necessarily been blessed with lives of abundance, love, success, and prosperity. Such people have, however, been blessed with the ability to take the circumstances they've been handed and make them into something great. Our individual realities are colored by perception-delight and despair come from within rather than without. Situations we regard as fortuitous please us while situations we judge inauspicious cause us no end of grief. Yet if we can look at all we have accomplished without dwelling on our perceived misfortune and make each new circumstance our own, the world as a whole becomes a brighter place. A simple shift in attitude can help us recognize and unearth the hidden potential for personal and outer world fulfillment in every event, every relationship, every duty, and every setback.
The universe is often an unpredictable and chaotic place, and the human tendency is to focus on the negative and assume the positive will care for itself. But life can be no more or no less than what you make of it. If you are working in a job you dislike, you can concentrate on the positive aspects of the position and approach your work with gusto. What can you do with this job that can turn it around so you do love it. When faced with the prospect of undertaking a task you fear, you can view it as an opportunity to discover what you are truly capable of doing. Similarly, unexpected events, when viewed as surprises, can add flavor to your existence. By choosing to love life no matter what crosses your path, you can create an atmosphere of jubilance that is wonderfully infectious. A change in perspective is all it takes to change your world, but you must be willing to adopt an optimistic, hopeful mind-set.
To make a conscious decision to be happy is not enough. You must learn to observe life's complexities through the eyes of a child seeing everything for the first time. You must furthermore divest yourself of preconceived notions of what is good and what is bad so that you can appreciate the rich insights concealed in each stage of your life's journey. And you must strive to discover the dual joys of wanting what you have. As you gradually shift your perspective, your existence will be imbued with happiness and contentment that will remain with you forever.
Labels: Daily OM, Feel Goods
Bad Predictions
"To us who think in terms of practical use, the splitting of the atom means nothing." - British science writer Lord Richie Calder, 1932.
"A manned lunar base will be in existence by 1986." - The Futurist, 1967.
In 1974 the U.S. Forest Service published a study on "Future Leisure Environments." The authors believed that by 1989 American public schools would be open year-round and vacations would be staggered throughout the year.
"Beams of atomic radiation, instead of saws, cut lumber [in 1999]." - Victor Cohn, 1999 Our Hopeful Future, 1954.
"A road sign of the future is likely to read "No wheeled vehicles on this highway.' Cars without wheels will float on air, bringing about the passing of the wheel." - scientist and author Arthur C. Clarke's 1975 vision of transportation in 2000.
"Women will never want the right of suffrage - that is, there will not be enough of them that want it to even encourage the menfolk to give it to them." - humorist Bill Nye, 1893.
"The more I read, the more convinced I am that some economic disruptions are inevitable. The year 2000 problem is a serious threat to the global economy. Yet it isn't being taken seriously enough." - economist Edward Yardeni in Computer World, 1997. He stated there was a 30% chance Y2K would cause a worldwide recession. He later upped his prediction to 60%.
"With over 50 foreign cars already on sale here, the Japanese auto industry isn't likely to carve out a big slice of the U.S. market." - Business Week, 1979
Labels: Quotes
Today, I Wrote
I've got some work ahead of me. At the college I'm going to, I always have work ahead of me, but I digress. I decided to go to a program at a college that I've never set foot on until today. I went to Tougaloo College.
It was an interesting experience. Until today, I had never been to a historically Black college. I had even thought about attending a college like this except I did not want to live in a skewed environment. I'd like to say that the decision was one of the worst that I had made in my life--right up there with accepting a New Year's date with a man that had no bottom front teeth.
I guess I have become jaded because though it was an exciting time to walk around on this famous campus, I was underwhelmed with being there. Thank goodness I found a friend of mine to experience this with.
My days are becoming more critical to me for some reason. I think it has to do with my being only a few weeks away from the end of my first semester at this college. I've met some interesting people--for some of those people, that statement is not a compliment. I've been challenged and tested. Some of my self-sabotaging ways have creeped up on me with bad outcomes. I keep finding ways to bringing myself down as well as inspiring myself to do well. I've succeeded. I've failed. Most of all, though, I've endured many things.
A few weeks left. I haven't been able to accomplish much in new writing, yet my writing style has been tested and bent, twisted and stretched, and in the end, I've come out of it simultaneously unscathed and reformed. I've learned that I want to have my style spit-shined to a level of excellence and being here is a first step in completing that goal.
And today, I wrote a little notice of the beginning a transformation. I just hope that I can keep up the grades to continue it.
Labels: Thoughts
A Daily OM Dose of Thought
Curative Attentiveness
Being Aware Of Your Thoughts
Few people enjoy the company of individuals whose attitudes are persistently negative. Yet many of us tolerate the critical chatter that can originate within our own minds. Since we are so used to the stream of self-limiting, critical consciousness that winds its way through our thoughts, we are often unaware of the impact these musings have on our lives. It is only when we become aware of the power of such thoughts that we can divest ourselves of them and fill the emptiness they leave with loving, peaceful affirmations. Many people, upon paying careful attention to their thinking patterns, are surprised at the negativity they find there. But when we take notice of involuntary thoughts in a nonjudgmental way, we initiate a healing process that will eventually allow us to replace intimidating and upsetting self-talk with positive, empowering thoughts.
While the occasional downbeat or judgmental thought may have little impact on your contentment, the ongoing negativity that passes unnoticed can have a dampening effect on your mood and your outlook. When you are aware of the tone of your thoughts, however, you can challenge them. Try to be conscious of your feelings, opinions, and judgments for a single day. From sunup to sundown, scrutinize the messages you are feeding into your subconscious mind. Consider your thoughts from the perspective of a detached observer and try not to judge yourself based on the notions that come unbidden into your mind. Simply watch the flow of your consciousness and make a note of the number of times you find yourself focusing on gloomy notions or indulging in self-directed criticism.
As you become increasingly aware of your patterns of thought, whether positive and negative, you will gradually learn to control the character of your stream of consciousness. Endeavor always to remember that the images and ideas that pass through your mind are transient and not a true representation of who you are. In training yourself to be cognizant of your thoughts, you gain the ability to actively modulate your mood. The awareness you cultivate within yourself will eventually enable you to create a foundation of positivity from which you can build a more authentic existence.
Labels: Daily OM, Feel Goods
Just When You Thought That Being Useless Was a Bad Thing...
... Useless Advice from Useless Men prove otherwise! Give them a question, any question at all, and they will give you an answer.
Dear Abby? Ann Landers? Your Aunt Sally Sue? No. They cannot compare to the Useless Men. Give them a try! These guys know how to give advice. Okay, so what if their advice is useless? It's absolutely hilarious and I'm absolutely thrilled to have them in my square. These guys are smart and their answers portray how smart and funny they are. I'm telling you, they are worth clicking now, and they are worth clicking daily. These guys are outright funny and if you don't laugh at their advice... Well, honey, you need to take your sense of humor to the doctor to see if he can fix it.
This site is interactive, so instead of my asking to only give them a click, I would ask that you offer up a question. Twenty BE credits (and I don't have too many of them myself) go to the first five people who comment here and leave them a question! Now scoot! Give them a click! I'll be here when you get back. Promise.
(Guys, I'll be looking for my check in the mail!)
Labels: Blog Sites to See
Consolation Prize for the Other Bidders
It's bidding time again and I'm excited to let you guys see the runners up. Like I say, uhmm... well, what I was gonna say what I say when I say "like I say," really doesn't work here, so let me just put the other bidders up here.
Volatile Lunacy (CONTAINS ADULT LANGUAGE) - Well, what do you expect from a racy woman's name like Delilah? Her banner has some serious ankle-edging heels. There is no better metaphor than those, I gotta tell ya. She's got an opportunity for you--YES, YOU--to win 100 BE points. And frankly, if you win because I showed them to you, well I think I deserve a commission! Wish her luck on her her new job (even though the heffa admitted she didn't need one--Delilah, kiddin! [Here is where I would put an apt expletive for her charmed life, but this is a family blog, dad gum it.]) Give her a click and hopefully win some points!
Soapbox Jury Tom and Sam (there may be more, but those are the only names I saw) review blogs. I'd ask them to review mine, but since they did not win my square this week, they would probably be more brutal than I'd like on my blog and you know how sensitive I am. Because you love me. And yes, I love you, too. I digress. Their review are true and give good guidelines to what a good blog should look like (did I mention that I don't want them to review me because mine is too simple to be crushed like a grape in a press...whoa. I'm digressing. Reviewers and commitments to companies make me nervous.) Please give them a click. You might learn something!
Bug-Free Zone--Software Quality and Testing Okay, Debasis has made me feel dumber than when my geometry teacher told me I was an idiot for pronouncing "integer" wrong (yup, that really happened; I can't help it if everyone else sounded like they were saying "inturger"). This blog is definitely for tech heads. I do have to say that the questions seem like it's for the normal joe, but I'm just an English major. I do still want you to check out this blog. Please click it, but don't ticket.
Bold Contemplations Anyone who lives in Chicago is aces in my book. And Angela is from Detroit. KIDDING! Angela's got some smart writing on her blog. She supported the tenant she had in her square, and darn it, I just like it. Give her a click; you will not be sorry.
Okay, boys and girls. Please give them a click. I've done something different this time and I wish I would have thought of doing this sooner. Instead of their blog, you'll be clicking on their BE-sponsored blog. That way, they will get credit when you click on them. Don't worry. I'll be here when you get back. Promise.
Labels: Blog Sites to See
A Daily OM Dose of Thought
Cosmic Support
The Universe's Plan For You
The path that speeds us toward our dreams can be a challenging and complex one, so it's easy to get bogged down in confusion and insecurities. We often hesitate at the start of that path, questioning our purpose or our capabilities. Yet we should be moving forward joyously, eager to discover what destiny has in store for us. The universe has plans for us that eclipse anything we have dreamed of thus far. Though we must work diligently to fulfill our potential and to accomplish our individual missions, the universe is aware of both the quests we chose before birth and the goals we have formulated in adulthood. If we accept that it us watching over us and believe that it will facilitate our eventual success, the universe will provide us with the assistance and opportunities that enable us to make significant progress on our journeys of ambition.
Nothing happens without a purpose. Whether we attract success or repel it depends on our willingness to stay open to a wide range of possibilities and to embrace concepts like synchronicity. The universe is always ready to care for our needs, but we must not write off its loving attention as mere circumstance or chance. Likewise, we must endeavor to ensure that our egos do not become a barrier that prevents us from recognizing that even perceived mistakes and strife can be profound lessons that smooth the progress of personal evolution. When we understand that we only need to enthusiastically try our best to realize our objectives, the universe will take care of the details, propelling us forward in its unstoppable current. We may not always immediately understand the significance of certain experiences, but our trust will help us choose wisely at each crossroads.
The universe wants to see you accomplish your goals. No matter how long you've dallied or hesitated, it will always be there to put its plan for you in motion at the first sign of your faith. You can make the most of this aid by acquiescing to it rather than fighting it-nurture your dreams but do not attempt to micromanage every detail along the way. The universe will provide you with guidance and, if you heed that guidance, you will find your formerly stressful quest for success will become a journey of great joy.
Labels: Daily OM, Feel Goods
Pointless Pic Post--Double Dose
Ten Things This Tuesday
- Randolph Bourne
I have nothing for this Tuesday. Nothing at all.
Now I do.
Ten things to do with the Thanksgiving turkey if it is inedible:
1. Use it as a bowling ball.
2. Attach a chain to it and use it to knock people upside the head to wake them up after their tryptophan nap.
3. Flag football. Remove the legs first or things could get really dangerous.
4. Soccer. I'd use steel-toe shoes for one and all.
5. Find out who else in the neighborhood has an inedible turkey; you might have enough for bowling.
6. Set a trend by putting it in a bassinette and calling it your pet turkey.
7. Get two more turkeys, make them inedible, then learn how to juggle.
8. Take the food stuffing or dressing out of it, put batting in it and make it your stuffed turkey.
9. Make it a part of the family. It may be able to do some lighthouse cleaning.
10. Send it to your most hated relatives as a Christmas present like that fruitcake.
Labels: Humor, My Writing, Ten Things This Tuesday
Monday, Monday... na naaaa na na na na...
So, good news first. The peeing thing has gone bye bye. It was a normal peeing day today. Not sure if I should go see the college doctor or not.
Bad news. Had my second big Spanish test today. Egad, I felt dumb.
Good news. The test confirmed that I was purdy dumb, but not as dumb as I thought I was. Kewl.
Other things. I decided to try to eat decently. Banana for breakfast. Broccoli and Cauliflower with a little italian dressing for a pre-lunch. Swedish meatballs without the noodles and a baked fish filet for lunch. Sunflower seeds for pre-dinner. Chicken parmigiana and three pieces of pepper steak. The pre-meals are making me eat less.
Bad thing. I topped the dinner off with chocolate-chip-cookie-crumbled frozen yogurt. Post-dinner.
Went to the library and worked ahead on my Spanish. I had a woman who is a Spanish tutor check my homework. I only missed a little. I'm nearly inspired to do more Spanish.
I'm in my room now. I'm wondering if I should post my hair before I was trying to do dread locks and after I took the dreads out or a cloud pic.
I'm going to read some Golden Ass (yes, it's a real book that I'm studying for class), then some of my English. Hopefully be done before sunrise.
Oh, yeah. If you come here, I want to show you a post I did on Original Man. I would love to have your opinion on it. Post it there. That would be nice.
You know I love you, right?
Nah, you don't have to tell me you love me. I know you do.
Labels: Thoughts
Okay, What's Wrong with Me...
I've had to go potty at least six times between 8am this morning and now. In fact, I've got to go now.
Is it a sign of aging? Is my bladder betraying my lovely, youthful face? (Hold on a sec. Gotta go to the bathroom...Okay, I'm back.) I'm trying to write it off as having a lot to drink over the last 12 hours. I have had a lot of herbal tea and this morning I've had a huge cup of coffee, but a few moments after I've gone to the bathroom, I feel like I've got to go again. I mean I feel like I feel my bladder's slowly filling back up as I type this.
I'm also having my most hated aunt (you women know who I'm talking about) visit for a while. I'll let you guys know what's going on after next week.
I'm getting angsty, too. I was trying to start dreadlocks (on someone's suggestion) and I took a week to pull my hair apart from them (on someone else's suggestion). Don't get me wrong, I thought about doing both before someone said it, but dang it, I'm not perming it and I'm not gonna relax it either. (Yes. I meant "gonna." Could have been worse. I could have said, "gunna.") When I get someone to take a pic of me with my hair as it is now, I may show y'all.
I'm just hoping that nobody looks at me from behind (I have a broad chest and broad shoulders, so I look kind of bulky from behind) and say, "Hey, mister..."
Grrr. Gotta go to the bathroom.
Labels: Thoughts
Poor Dead Puppy... And It's So Cute, Too!
"I have never in my life learned anything from any man who agreed with me." - Dudley Field Malone
Lexile, the Texan in Sweden, made my spot. She bidded last week and I am delighted that she did! She is just so darn cute, it's making me feel giddy and somewhat like I've had too much sugar at one time. She's celebrating her ten-year anniversary. You have GOT to see her before and after shots with her husband.Oh heck. I need a tissue. It's so beautiful, that marriage thing is!
At this posting, Lexile still has this gorgeous picture... of the most beautiful... hamburger and fries!
Oh heck. Now I'm hungry. I'm going to bed now. In the meantime, give her a click. I'll be here when you get back. Promise.
Labels: Blog Sites to See
Consolation Prize for the Bidders
Well, you see that I'm so busy right now (I'm actually sleeping as I do this) that I don't even have time to put the consolation prize bidders up.
So what I'm going to do is put the winner above this post with the dream of putting more detail about the others. The winner was the only previous bidder from last week. Here's proof positive that re-bidding on my blog has its advantages!
So, here are the consolation prize bidders:
Useless Advice from Useless Men (CONTAINS ADULT LANGUAGE)
Pointless Banter
Women Diary
Lucid Thoughts
Cool Adzine for Marketers
Pettey Thoughts
Hopefully I will get to describing these sites. Thank you very much for considering me. I hope to get more on this post later. Hope to see each of you bid again in the future!
Labels: Blog Sites to See